don't recall how many of these were printed. could be as few as 5 or as many as 20. thought it futile after the first pull. don't know what might have ever happened to them.
doing 'give up' started in late 2000, early 2001. to fill the hole left by quitting graffiti. and pursue other ideas and expression within my 'art'. i work from my own photos, manipulating at a photocopier with scissors and glue, in the cut 'n paste manner of old punk/hc fliers. then blow the finished work up into larger scale screen prints. i don't use photoshop or any other computer programs, and don't appropriate photos for reference from the internet or other sources. things started slow, not getting serious until maybe 2003. and even then not fully immersing myself until probably 2005. the work featured here is in as close to chronological order as i can recall. oldest at the bottom, newer at top. and will serve strictly as a catalog. for streets, billboards, stickers, merchandising, stencils, occasional commissions, galleries, 'lifestyle', etc, please visit my personal blog, listed in the links section. for information on purchase, or any other questions, please contact at